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How Role Models Help Shape Us

As teenagers grow to young adulthood, they look up to adults who are successful and admire their living style. They are their role models. Father Rutler of New York believes it is essential to choose role models who can have a positive influence on their behavior. Positive role models influence teenagers’ actions, motivation and inspire them to strive and unleash their full potential. Even though they have fears and insecurities in their lives, just like anybody else, they inspire the youth to overcome their weaknesses, hopelessness, and negative attitude towards their abilities and capabilities. Thus, they focus on self-improvement and development. Celebrities, athletes, advocates, and spiritual leaders are good examples of role models in society.


Celebrities can have both positive and negative impacts on young people. Teenagers are advised to go for role models with a positive impact on their day-to-day lives. Celebrities who take part in helping the vulnerable in society tend to impact the youth positively. As a result, the youth are influenced and motivated to do good for others.

Some celebrities help raise awareness and reduce stigma by sharing their struggles and challenges with the world. These struggles and challenges include addiction, mental health, loss of loved ones, social anxiety, and many others. Celebrities influence the public in understanding these issues and provide better strategies for coping with the challenges.


Most successful athletes have role models whom they emulate in many ways and eventually do better in the field. For instance, the famous Argentinian player Lionel Messi confessed to having the former French footballer Zinedine Yazid as his mentor when he was growing up as a young footballer.

Most athletes and teams have coaches. However, when a coach is changed, there is usually a difference in the performance of the athletes. Coaches are important because they help and influence the athletes to reach their full potential and overcome their weaknesses.

Even after becoming rich and famous, athletes work hard on a daily basis; this motivates the youths to work harder to achieve their set goals and beyond.


Advocates play a significant role in influencing the public’s behavior and response to specific issues in society. For instance, people who advocate against substance and drug abuse positively influence people struggling with substance abuse. Advocates take part in creating awareness on matters affecting the public.

Spiritual Leaders

Most effective and influential spiritual role models lead others according to Biblical teachings. Spiritual role models position their lives to love and serve the people. In doing so, many people tend to emulate their humanity.

Father Rutler, the pastor of St. Michael’s the Archangel in New York believes that the Catholic faith is still necessary in the modern world. He believes the catholic faith needs to be modernized to keep the youth in the church. Even at his advanced age, he still teaches about faith and helps those in need.

With the occurrence of many crises globally, Rutler shares his faith with others because he understands that religion will play a significant role in helping the world.