industrial marketing

Industrial Marketing Needs an Upgrade for the Modern Consumer

Industrial marketing is a completely different animal from B2C or B2B marketing, but it still needs to keep up with consumer trends when it comes to online searches, product visibility, and finally customer experiences. Ultimately, industrial marketing just needs better content for the modern consumer. 

While B2C marketing focuses on reaching consumers, and B2B marketing focuses on reaching businesses, industrial marketing focuses on materials, products, and components used in manufacturing the final product. 

Marketing things like complex machinery, buildings, and vehicles takes a lot of time and product expertise. In today’s industrial purchasing climate, the solution is to turn product data into marketing content. 

Make your products fully visible and accessible to engineers by using videos, articles, white papers, webinars, product pages, and 3D CAD model downloads. Make sure engineers have full knowledge of how the product works by providing easy access to data such as product dimensions, materials, RPMs, range of motion, tolerances, frequency, and load capacity. 

Modernize your website to allow engineers to configure the parts they need and view 3D previews online. Make sure to enable relevant communication with your salesforce, and finally, simplify the buying process through a streamlined customer experience. 

Effective marketing in the this space will increase customer satisfaction, save engineers design time, and ultimately generate high-quality leads and increase sales.

Industrial Marketing