What Are The Causes Of Leaky Faucets?

Let us first try to understand what a leaky faucet actually is. You have probably heard this word before, but probably had different meanings attached to it. I am sure that you know the meaning of the word, but let me explain it briefly. A “leaky faucet” means that there is some sort of leakage that is taking place. The water might be coming out of the other side of the faucet or it could be coming in with the water. Leaks are caused by a number of reasons, but there are a few that are more common than the others. 

When something is leaking, we can usually detect it by looking at it. Most of the time, we cannot notice it unless there is an extremely large amount of water coming out of the faucet. Leaks often occur where there is a joint or seal at the high points of the faucet. This can easily be found by placing a finger in the area and pushing carefully. 

A more common cause of leaks is when the seal around the spout or spray nozzle is worn down. This will allow for the water that is sprayed out to escape, which can cause some water damage around the edges of the faucet. As you can see, this can also cause leaks around the edges of the spray nozzles as well. The joint that is usually damaged near the spout end is the area that the water flows into while it is being turned on and off. 

Another common cause of leaky faucets is when there is excess iron buildup inside of the faucet. If this is the case, you should turn on the water and see if there is any water coming out. If so, you can simply place a piece of aluminum foil inside of the spigot. When the water comes out, this will allow the iron to be removed. Sometimes all you have to do is simply turn the water off and the iron will remove itself. 

The next thing that can cause leaks is dirt and debris from getting inside of the pipe. This may be caused by a number of different things. For example, if you have trees near your house and they fall onto the ground, this can cause roots to grow into the pipe. This will eventually cause the pipe to become clogged, and it will become extremely difficult to eliminate water from it. In fact, this is a common problem within houses that are near trees. 

Another way that debris and dirt can get inside of your faucet is if you turn it on and then walk away after filling it up. If water was to leak from the faucet, this would cause the water to seep into the flooring underneath your home. In fact, this can be especially problematic if you have wooden floors in your house. Wooden flooring often has bits of dirt and debris that get stuck 

inside of it, and if this dirt or debris were to spill over onto the flooring, it could cause cracks in the flooring. 

One of the most commonly known causes of leaky faucets is a malfunctioning water filtration system. Whenever you have a water filtration system, it is important for it to be working correctly. If the water filtration system in your faucet stops working, this can cause leaks because of the pressure that is put on the pipes. 

One of the most important things to keep in mind whenever you are looking for answers to the

the question, “what are the causes of leaky faucets?” is that you should never turn off your water supply to your house. If you do so, there is a good chance that your house will become a perfect breeding ground for the growth of mold and mildew. The mold and mildew will then start to spread throughout the house. This can cause health problems for you and your family, so it is always best to keep your water supply full!

Leaky faucets could be caused by a number of factors. Anything from corrosion, gaskets that are defective, or even leaking valves. If you have one of these problems in your house it is a good idea to call in a plumber. Sometimes plumbers come out to check on a leaky faucet and come across other issues like blocked drains too. These professionals have the tools and experience to fix these problems. 

Identifying these causes of leaky faucets can help you save a ton of money but also provide a safer home to be in.